Social Media Within Schools

According to educational directors, there is a solid belief that using social media within the education system to help students and teachers alike is a very useful tactic. When it comes to really reaching your students and your teachers, embracing social media as a...

The Unified Classroom Explained

With the progression of technology, more of a teacher’s classroom records and work is done on the computer. As more software for classrooms became available, teachers readily made use of it. They now often use programs for learning management systems, grade-books and...

Is Personalized Learning Plausible

If you take a look at the way that many schools handle the teaching of their students, it’s likely that you’ll see that the functionality and the curriculum haven’t really changed much at all over the last 100 years. Many believe that this antiquated...

Sell More, Recruit Less!

If you run an ivy league level school district in a large metropolitan area, chances are you are not struggling with recruitment or retention of faculty. Affluent neighborhoods, well-rounded curriculum, and the latest technology make teaching in these areas much...

What Role Does Salary Play in Teacher Retention?

Teaching may not be all about the greenbacks, but a person should be able to eat and live comfortably after spending years in college to the tune of multiple thousand dollars (or more).  For the past decade or two, teacher retention has become a real problem for...

How Much Emphasis do You Put on Teacher Retention?

As a school administrator or principal, how much time do you spend on teacher retention? How do you know if you are spending enough energy and resources to keeping the best and most effective faculty? If the numbers are any indication teacher turn over is at an all...

Why Teachers Quit!

If your school wants to know how to better recruit and retain faculty it is time to look at why they are leaving in the first place. Current research shows that 46% of new teachers overall are leaving the field within the first 5 years, and the numbers are worse in...